الأربعاء، 23 فبراير 2011

impact of s[ort on the various of the body

The impact of sport on the various organs of the body: To go further more in understanding the importance of sport in our lives together we will review briefly the impact of sport on the various organs of the body ..

First: the circulatory system
The heart, the main center to pump blood to all parts of the body to feed blood (means life). The impact of sport on the heart a great influence they tend to increase the strength of heart which leads to increase the strength of pumping blood to all parts of the body and thus the need to increase heart rate in times less effort decreases the load on the heart which leads to reduce the chances of high risk the failure of the heart muscles. II: The Circulatory System Terminal
And of the arteries that supply the various parts of the body with blood. And also for the sport was a great influence 1 - helping to open what is known as arterial reserve the arteries exist thanks to God for all of us are closed and not operating and that the mercy of God if it was part of the human body to injury, these arteries Tostagin of infection and open in order to provide the patient with blood in order not to die And exercise to help open the arteries leading to the increase in the amount of blood contained to parts of the body and thus increase the efficiency and vitality. 2 - secretion of substances that reduce the viscosity of the blood which lead to reduce the risk of stroke. 3 - Increasing the amount of blood contained to the arteries, increasing the size and therefore the softness thereby acting to reduce the chances of Ptslebatt arteries. 4 - Increase the amount of blood contained in the brain leads to an increase in concentration and memory. 5 - increase the amount of blood contained to the skin which leads to regulate the temperature of the body and that are important for many biological processes within the body.

Third: musculoskeletal Of bone and muscle and surrounded by soft tissue and ligaments and so on. 1 - Increase bone density, which reduces the incidence of fractures and cracks and disease osteoporosis, which has become a hallmark of our time and so that scientists have found that the load on a particular part of the bone leads to the intensity that the body develops the part that is used and holds the non-user and more understanding to look at person happened to him break in the arm and put in plaster for up to two months after the disengagement we find that the plaster arm this man has clearly atrophied due to lack of use with the return to use it again we find back to normal and power of the former. 2 - increase the strength of the muscles that enable us to carry objects and control objects around us and enable us to move in the universe and also control the shape of the body. 3 - increase the strength of ligaments and the ligaments are responsible for the stability of the body in sudden situations and thus protects the bones from breakage and rupture of muscle sport help to strengthen the body and thus the different situations in which a adds to stability and increases range of motion to it. Fourth: the respiratory system We can not fail never the role of sport in the development of the respiratory system is more efficient use of the lungs and helps to increase the efficiency of the muscles which increases the ability to cough, which is considered one of the blessings of God to man, it enables rights protection, respiratory system from foreign objects, whether from inside the body Kalplgm etc. or so from the outside Kalawadm and other contaminants.
Fifth: the nervous system That sport helps significantly: 1 - get rid of stress and that what is known as discharge energy constructively. 2 - Regulation of sleep and an increased focus, which leads to increased production efficiencies of the individual. 3 - to accustom man to think orderly and logical because it is working to alert all parts of neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord. 4 - increase the speed of nerve conduction to the different parts of the body and thus enable man to control himself better. 5 - to give confidence to the people and the ability to act in difficult situations so that the body is accustomed to pressure.
Sixth: the digestive system We can not fail the role of sport and its impact on digestion and great absorption processes are: 1 - increase the amount of digestive enzymes that help digest food better Vtqll the chances of indigestion and gastric ulcers. 2 - regulating human appetite and help him Alistvad of all the elements that eats them. 

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